Mereex - We are On!
                Media - Research - Execution

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Mereex, a step ahead...

So another week of sleepless nights, too many ideas, so many plans, so many caffees, so many papers wasted... so many markers dried up.... - No worries! None of this really happaned we just saved all of this as we are a different start up!

So who are we, what are we upto... time will unfold!

For not just keep tuned. We are building value for your investments without wasting so just relax we are working for businesses, SMEs, Local players, and yes for you too.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Mereex, inception and domain name fun!

Last few days was fun, we tried many domain names. It was fun either the names are not there, or we do not liked some or some which we all like is already taken! But last we got the name what we all seem to have liked, we though had issue in getting the name we bought it at a premium price! yes the name is taken up as we searched!...

Finally we are on! As we plan to do business in Media by research and we all believe in execution we just coined a term Media, Research and Execution ... yes MeReEx ....

Mereex, Sounds good, can be pronounced, can be spelled, does not fall in issues like "s" which domains have... does not have any ambiguous possibilities.... And we just christened ourselves... though we are not an identity as a stealth org, you or world can connect us as mereex, mereexians! - Ah! Another term I can see making sense as I write...

So want to be mereexians! tune in as I said earlier "We are on! beware!"

Team, Mereex!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Media - Research - Execution

We are Mereex, मेरिक्स.कॉम

A new venture to make a diference in Media.
We are poised and set to create a next big change in the media with our innovative idea which is simple, mass, global and impactful in the current market.

So tune in with Mereex and wait for the next big change!


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